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Old 02-18-2015, 04:23 PM
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blackpheasant blackpheasant is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Red Deer
Posts: 4,257

X 5 on Stajan he lost his game a couple of years ago he also lost a child shortly after its birth around that same time, management may have a soft spot for him but hopefully they do the right thing and pop Sam Bennett into his spot for a few games, Johnny G looks like he's getting abit tired may have to reduce his ice time, Monahan is getting better as the season rolls along could get 30 this season, nice to see Bouma having a great season after all he has been through...Go Flames lets pound the Wild tonight!!!

Sharks aren't going to make it to the playoffs
“It made me strive to succeed,” — Mark Shea the homeless man who blew the whistle on Klein and went on to turn his life around. August 2011.

"Always surprised at the people that come here and trash Alberta. Why put yourself through the torture of living here? Start your own thread about why Alberta is the worst place to live and why you stay."

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