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Old 02-21-2015, 06:54 PM
Winch101 Winch101 is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Okotoks wilderness
Posts: 4,420
Default The worst is yet to come.....

Jimmy has about as much chance fixing the ills as there is in
A six fish limit in southern reservoirs . Four years from the PC s
Next reelection , Manitoba will look like a good deal .

You know the old saying " Those that can't , teach . "
For people who make 50 K a yr. min , and get 3 mo. Holidays
Min. A year ......there sure is a lot of Union whining dressed up as
Concern for students welfare . In my generation and the previous
7 teachers . All retired big pensions , still whining . I don't know about teachers getting knocked up , but I do know they are the tightest humans
on the planet .
As far as government incompetence , think about this ,Ralph Klein was the best premier out out of last five . You know why he was tops , cause Homer
Simpson isn't a real person .

I am so amazed how upset people get when you point out something they
Already knew . If you been here all your life , you been had , bent over
The proverbial barrel . This is one of the few prairie provinces that hasn't lined it's prisons with Conservative MLA s .
You knew Redall would walk . In China caned , hard labour ,than hung
Not to mention a severe reprimand .
They have to insult everybody here who makes less than 100 k
A year ,and only then will a change come .
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