Thread: Burbot Spawn On
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Old 02-24-2015, 12:43 PM
SNAPFisher SNAPFisher is offline
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Originally Posted by waterninja View Post
Thanks guys. It kind of makes up for all the times a person goes out too early in season. Not trying to be a dick about saying where we were but if you study the regs. and the map you can see where Burbot fishing is legal within a 2-3 hour drive from Edm. A little homework can pay off. In answer to some of the PM's ....

..R.. Yes

..M.. different lake

..C.. Night fishing is great. Had a great northern light show and the kids can also have fun looking at the stars and searching for sattelites moving across the sky. Much easier if you all have headlamps on to check your line and a light source in tent and maybe a heater.

First, damn nice mess o burbs! Good on ya!

Almost like code speak.
Does anyone else do a double take and think "Now burbs are on the lake X list...."

Before I get jumped on for even mentioning this, I have no problem for anyone keeping any fishing on the low down. Get out there and find is really not hard and is gratifying.

If this doesn't underscore the huge number of anglers to lake ratio that AB has....I don't know what will...
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