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Old 03-10-2015, 10:14 PM
spinN'flyfish spinN'flyfish is offline
Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: By the shores of the bow
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Originally Posted by PikePinkster View Post
I'll clarify one major thing before I go on...I am no expert. I've been fly fishing for two years, and I'm merely sharing what I've been able to pick up in that short time.

Here is what I can suggest:
If you find some warmer conditions it can't hurt to fish the rifles and runs. Trout will typically look for an ideal temperature where they can feed, and generally moving water is colder than warmer water. You are more likely to find the fish in some of the deeper slack water, but as the water warms up they will move into the rifles.

Dead drifting a nymph under an indicator can be effective pretty much any time of year. While it isn't a traditional "nymph" I essentially use a stonefly nymph pattern under an indicator with a dead drift. The same rules apply as other times of the year...get that rig to the bottom as quickly as you possible can.

I've certainly found streamers to be the most effective at this time of year, especially when the water turns progressively brown. Find a run that dumps off into a deeper bucket and run that streamer straight across, you should be able to pick up a fish or two. As the rainbows move up to spawn this month, you'll find more and more browns that are looking for an easy meal to swim in front of them. I've seen more large browns on streamers in March and April than any time of the year (I know that isn't typically to all fishermen, but it is my experience).

I hope this helps, best of luck out there!
Thanks for the response! I started last season around june, so its my first spring fly fishing. I've got plenty of streamers, its time to use them!
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