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Old 03-17-2015, 08:21 PM
nube nube is offline
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Originally Posted by ditch donkey View Post
Hey Nube, I like the simplicity of your stick sets. Do you use a pair of waders, or do you get by with just a tall pair of rubber boots? I may as well ask what depth of water you're setting in also?
I use waders. My top nail is about 3 inches from the top of the stick. Depending on how deep the water determines the angle of how I push the stick in the mud. I find if you can get on the outside edge of the cattails is best. Rats will investigate anything sticking out of the water i find and they do laps all night around the ponds and will find your stick no problem. For me I will put a colony trap in if I see a spot or 2 and then put 5-8 sticks. For a lot of the small ponds after a couple checks you have most of them caught in there and try to leave a few for breeding stock.
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