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Old 03-24-2015, 08:32 PM
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Lefty-Canuck Lefty-Canuck is offline
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Originally Posted by dmcbride View Post
I know how the system works, point is this likely would not have been an issue if the ABA didn't put out the proposal to Ban spears and atlatls. Half the groups that sit on the AGMAG are going to support a hunting group that wants them banned because it is little interest to them and if hunters say they are bad they must be right?

I also have no problem with some kind of rules, regs and minimums if they need to be there. But proposing a ban which the ABA did is not right.
I also heard the ABA was requested to create a proposal...and that this "proposed" change was already on the radar of SRD...but that's all hearsay.

"SRD Enforcement will bring issue back to Dec AGMAG with proposal to prohibit hunting with spears. Was no opposition from groups at AGMAG"

Read the is NOT just one group. IMHO the SRD is the "driving force" but again this is all hearsay.

In the end IMHO the ABA has done more good than harm, not every organization I belong to makes 100% good decisions 100% of the time. If that organization effects me in some fashion positive or negative the only way I can make a change is to get involved.


Last edited by Lefty-Canuck; 03-24-2015 at 08:37 PM.