Thread: April 1st
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Old 03-27-2015, 04:20 PM
Kyle Kyle is offline
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 501

Originally Posted by Bhflyfisher View Post
Doesn't take a bloody scientist to realize these fish are at their skinniest/most vulnerable this time of year. Mostly due to the facts of spawning in October, and then yes actually, in the mountains and foot hills, as the ice comes over these rivers, and temps plummet, the fish actually do almost go comatose. Rarely expending energy to find food, just so they can survive in the bottom of their wintering pools until the days start getting longer and warmer, and temps rise.

The comparison of a river influenced by warm water inflow + mass amounts of nutrients from more than a few areas, is laughable, especially to a river like the Clearwater. Followed by the comparison of a lake, capable of providing a much higher food base at all times of the year compared to an east slope stream. It's ridiculous to think you're making a compelling argument at all.

Uneducated responses like these do absolutely nothing. So typical of this forum. Not a single clue.
You said "They don't eat anything through the winter, and after their long 5 month struggle just to survive".
I do agree that there is not as much food in the winter for bulls, but do you honestly think that the mature bull trout are eating bugs all summer? No, they are eating whitefish/suckers for the most part. In a big wintering pool they would have no problem keeping full for the winter.

As for the uneducated can't expect me to take you seriously with that flatbilled hat on?
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