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Old 03-28-2015, 11:22 PM
nube nube is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Location: In a house
Posts: 7,770

I also found some lumber that was getting tossed by one of the local builders building a fence and some scrap from a house that was being built. I made about 75 of these. I plan on pounding a chunk of fenceboard 1x6 to the side of it and then tacking that piece right to a tree. Then the marten can climb the tree and sit on the platform in the front and go in. I noticed in some of my spots that if I was under a nice spruce tree the snow would not bother my set much. This way I can tack them to any tree I want instead of looking for a leaning tree and they will be weather protected. I have put out about 25 of these already and on the downwind side of the trees. I know I should be using better plywood but I think I can still get many years out of them. We will see. A little time and some free wood so no biggy if they don't last a long time. I have yet to see a porcupine track or sighting on my line so not too worried about them.

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