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Old 04-19-2015, 08:20 AM
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Fishslayer99 Fishslayer99 is offline
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Originally Posted by adogwiththumbs View Post
All the reservoirs SE of Calgary are boiling with them. Small bodies of water and large. The canals are full of them a month after initial flows start. These reservoirs are directly connected to both the Bow river, and Red Deer river. Fishing them out is pure fantasy. They are definitely here to stay. I have not tried them, but I do hope they taste good.
Originally Posted by straight View Post
They are actually pretty good, when cooked properly. Much better than perch to my taste. I hope I'll have a chance to catch a few before they gone.
BTW, the best way to control prussian carp number is snakehead (it taste good too)
Originally Posted by jeprli View Post
Disaster, where???

All I see is healthy fishes swimming.

Throw them in the bush????
Why waste food, these fish are tasty, grow quick and are easy to catch = perfect fish for table. I'd rather have this and be able to keep it for food than drive for 2 hours only to catch at a lake which for past 20 years If not more has 0 walleye limit, keeper size pike almost non existing.

And then look at these buggers, they make the water boil... blood too

are you serious...? if you are I think you should do some research on these fish. They will wipe out all of our native fish by depleting the oxygen, they taste like chit as mentioned and they multiply so fast they will stunt and get no bigger than the one in the picture. It is a disaster they are an invasive species and don't belong here. As Wayne said, catch them and kill them!!!
Straight these fish are here to stay, and adding another invasive species like the snakehead to control the carp??? WOW!!!


You hit the nail on the head with your post, it is not a hoax! these things are everywhere and it is too late to do anything about it. I spoke with ESRD and they confirmed they are all over the irrigation canals, in the Bow, Chestermere, McGreggor, Travers, Little Bow, Crawling valley, Eagle, Namaka, and on and on. They have made it as far north as Red Deer and ESRD is doing nothing about it, because they really cant. They said catch as many as you can and kill them, do not put them back!
Originally Posted by lds View Post
I don't get it. Everyone seems ticked off about these fish being here but still it's top secret where to find them. I have been google searching to see where I can catch them around Calgary but no body of water is mentioned by name. I don't care if it's a pm but can someone throw a name out there of some water I can catch piles of these guys close to Calgary. This is the last time I'm asking so if I don't get any response I will shut up
Originally Posted by the local angler View Post
ids i also agree with you that's why i also think this whole Persian carp thing is a hoax. i do believe it is in some of the reservoirs but i find it hard to believe its all over like the rumors are saying.
To all those that want to catch and kill these things...,-113.5656321,13z that is where the video was filmed.
All the fishing in the world will not take care of this problem, it is not a hoax and it is a big deal!
I have been thinking of three things I would rather do than fishing...
#1 win the lottery (so I could fish everyday)
#2 & 3 still thinking.....
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