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Old 05-06-2015, 10:39 AM
The Elkster The Elkster is offline
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Originally Posted by rugatika View Post
OF course they do. I have never said any different. Government workers should be able to market their labour as they see fit and reap whatever benefit they can from the free market. Anyone I know that works for government does so of their own free will, and they make good money AND excellent benefits doing so. So much so that very few of them are able to transition to the private sector successfully and choose to remain employed by the government their entire lives.

Why shouldn't I be able to cherry pick where MY money goes? Why should the NDP get to cherry pick where MY money goes? Do you think the NDP can donate MY money better than I can? Money I donate goes 100% to charity, the NDP are going to pay bureaucrats thousands and thousands of dollars to collect that money and then thousands and thousands of dollars to dole it out. I do that all for free.

You think it's OK for someone to take half a person's wages and then squander it on ineffective programs?

Seriously, and I say this with all deference, you really need to get educated on the perils of socialism. Part of voting in a democracy is taking the time to seriously consider how you vote and educating yourself so that you can make an intelligent decision rather than just yelling at and insulting people who have more informed opinions than you do.
I would suggest you are the one that needs educating. The NDP doesn't dictate. The people voted for change and has given the NDP a mandate. Sure you won't like everything. Suck it up. Keep in mind their were plenty of people that had to live with your ilk's priorities during 44 yrs of PC reign. That is called democracy. Its quite funny that democracy is being mistaken for communism by folks who claim to know everything. Democracy doesn't mean getting everything you want whenever you want wherever you want. There is always compromise in democracy. There is no forcing of agenda's. The majority has spoken.

Neither the PC's nor the NDP represent everything I believe in. C'est la vie. I'm rational enough to realize There is no way to satisfy 100% of the people 100% of the time. I willing to stay positive and work with the current democratically elected gov't to make the most of things. Its not in my best interest to see this or any gov't fail.

Prentice represents this board very well. When things are going their way everything is roses. If things tilt any bit the other way its time to take the ball and storm off home. Boo hoo