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Old 05-06-2015, 10:53 AM
The Elkster The Elkster is offline
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Originally Posted by ArtG View Post
This is the reason NDP won.

But no one stopped to think how all this will impact a province where the main source of revenue is Oil.
Actually I thought about it. I considered Notley's actual proposals and there is nothing there that will kill the AB economy. I work with oilfield economics virtually every day. A 2% increase is not going to change much. She vowed no royalty review will happen until prices/profit margins improve. I'm all for giving companies breathing room in tight times but if companies are making strong profits they should be contributing something to AB infrastructure before paying out big dividends. Infrastucture that the company and shareholders are benefitting from to gain their profits. There is no free ride for people or corps/investors. Nothing communist about paying a fair share of costs relative to profits.