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Old 06-16-2015, 04:43 PM
Clgy_Dave2.0 Clgy_Dave2.0 is offline
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Originally Posted by KyleB View Post
Good Day Everyone! I am in need of help.

As a bit of backstory, I have been given the pleasure of being the best man and my friends wedding which also means that I am to plan the bachelor party in late August. He has given some guidelines that he would like his party to be a camping trip and it must be in Alberta (We are all based out of Calgary). The problem lies in that I am in no way an outdoors-man, this is why I have come to you guys.

What I am looking for posting on this forum is some suggestions of locations that are suitable of such a situation. I think the type of local we are looking for is a mountainous area preferably rather secluded. We are not afraid of being off of the beaten path, but thinking logically we will have to carry quite a bit of stuff to the site. (Tents, sleeping bags, alcohol) There will be approximately 8 people.

As a disclaimer, we are not rowdy people I do no believe that things will get out of control so proximity to others shouldn't be a problem.
Given that you're admittedly "not an outdoorsman" I wouldn't look for something that is "hike in" or "too far off the beaten path".
IF what you say is true, "not rowdy" people, and there are only 8 of you, I would just look for any of the "double" campsites in any regular campground. Kananaskis, Crowsnest Pass, etc. All within a 2 hour drive and will have all the amenities you will need for campers who aren't really "campers". Ie; showers, toilets, firewood delivered to your site, firepits and the all important pay-phone for those medical emergencies, yet still surrounded by forest and mountains.

Here are a couple of good sites to help you pick:

Some examples:

Chinook Lake

Lundbreck Falls

Elkwood Campground, Kananaskis

Last edited by Clgy_Dave2.0; 06-16-2015 at 04:49 PM.
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