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Old 03-18-2009, 11:17 PM
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buckmaster buckmaster is offline
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Originally Posted by pdfish View Post
What Steve says is true, you can get away with 20 lb. BUT, if you're going to braid, make sure your rod can handle it. I've seen a lot of rods where the braid has bit into the guide once you hook onto a big fish, when this happens its only a matter of time til the line goes snap. I find that spinning rods are more susceptible to this than casting rods. Please, do yourself and the fish a favor and get yourself a fairly heavy duty casting rod and baitcasting reel. What works for walleye and pike won't work if and when you ever hook into a 50 lb + sturgeon.
x2, i use 20ib braided line and have caught some decent sturgeon without a problem.Also a good to have a good reel for braided line.
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