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Old 06-29-2015, 09:37 PM
Morpheus32 Morpheus32 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 141

Originally Posted by Trochu View Post
It would appear you think Colt is providing a "life cycle" plan for repairing rifles "every time they got damaged". I'm sure there is a scheduled maintenance plan of sorts, a certain number of barrels per gun over the 30 years, but your posting like any time the gun gets damaged/wore out/needs maintenance/etc., it will just get serviced for free. Such costs are cearly not included in the $6,500.00, maybe there in lies the confusion as to why you think its an acceptable cost.
The spare parts, barrels and tooling are part of the price. The rebuild and depot level repair are part of the price over the lifespan of the rifle. so for the price, you get the rifle, all the parts you need for 30 years and the process to have depot ie factory level repair. If you just buy a rifle and have zero maintenance plans, how to you ensure the rifle is remains serviceable through its 30 years? Pay as you go? Your paying it forward with this option for the rifle. What happens if the rifle you buy is commercial off the shelf and the manufacture stops making it or the parts you need? How do you keep the rifles serviceable? who will do the repairs? How much will it cost? Have you had a factory repair job for your rifle? It takes months and the costs can be high. You have to have a plan how you will keep the rifle operational for the military. The rifle belongs to the military and is returned when a person leaves the ranger. They don't get to keep them.

All weapons are managed the same. We have pools of parts and a process to do repairs at the armourer and depot level. So a machine gun might cost $1000 but I am sure we have $5000 in parts, barrels and the 30 year lifecycle plan for rebuild. So why would we do it differently for a bolt action rifle? Our sniper rifles are managed the same way. In fact all weapons are done this way. Armourer repair and inspections are done by our military weapons technicians and depot is done by colt canada.

I am curious how you would maintain the operational capabilities of this rifle over 30 years. Buying a Rem 700 is not a guarantee of parts or maintenance.
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