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Old 07-06-2015, 10:54 AM
NEWB NEWB is offline
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Originally Posted by EZM View Post
That is correct - you can post a photo of anyone anytime in any public place and there are zero laws broken. As a matter of fact - you can take a picture of me in my backyard or through one of my windows of my house looking in and you have broken no law (assuming you were not trespassing).

It is is, on the other hand, illegal to slander someone - so post a picture and call some out for something they may not be guilty of could be a problem. In order for a slander case to be heard and/or eventually upheld there has to be bonafide evidence of damage done to the person who was slandered AND there has to be reasonable doubt the information was false (or unproven).

Newspapers get away with it as they are careful to say "allegedly" or "arrested" or "charged" or "suspected" as these can all be factual (and verified).

I am glad there is a picture posted of the suspected poachers - I would think the embarrassment alone may become a deterrent for some.

There is a small town in the US that post pictures of convicted criminals - and because the photos are public record and the court has convicted the person - there isn't a thing he/she can do about it.

I don't think Dago was out of line - there is more than enough evidence in that picture to suggest the fish were not of appropriate size.

Good on you !!! I hope someone who knows them calls them out - And I hope they get charged and convicted.
Nailed it.

Those were some good pictures. Hopefully these guys are charged and convicted.
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