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Old 07-14-2015, 06:41 AM
Astrocyte Astrocyte is offline
Join Date: Mar 2015
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 325

I'll use an extreme example for you. Like I said, this is an extreme example......
The year is 2025. Cops are going door to door looking for weed in people's homes. After going through every nook and cranny in your home, ( your wife's sexy panty drawer, your medical cabinet with your 5 year supply of Viagra, ) they then leave your house in shambles and head to your neighbours....your left to clean up the mess and feeling very violated... Keep rolling over for these little infringements of your rights though, if that's what you want in the future.(less rights)....that's how you do it. And by the way, ILLEGAL search and seizure is ILLEGAL!!!!!!!! So quit assisting criminals to break our laws!!!!!
Why use an extreme example and not a realistic one? An officer is looking for drunks, liars, and poachers. They are not there plotting their next move to push for an Orwelian society. They are checking a cooler and storage bins for alcohol and to make sure you know the rules of owning a boat. Owning a boat for fishing or otherwise is a privilege not a right. There are rules to owning and operating that boat, if one cannot prove they are competent enough to adhere to those rules then tickets and further action should be warranted.

I would be assisting criminals if I did not allow an officer to search and do their job. If they do not do their job the criminals do get away.
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