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Old 07-22-2015, 08:22 AM
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Originally Posted by elkivory View Post

Career politicians are so indebted to their constituents and financial contributors that empower them through Super PACs that they are not in a position to make decisions that are in best interest of the average American, hence the financial gap between the 1% and the middle class which have been decimated over the last 30 years. All the politicians are doing these days is managing and contributing to the decline of America.
This I agree with - lobby groups and contributors do, in fact, direct the policies and subsequent outcomes based on their ability to control a candidate or politician because the politician is indebted to them. This is 100% true.

The problem is Trump is indebted to his own narcissistic view of himself, his ego and the sound of his own voice. That is dangerous. Kinda like having the "button" installed on his desk, anything that sets him off will cause him to slam his fist on the button without thinking causing his country more problems in the long run.

That's the real issue here.