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Old 07-22-2015, 10:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Redfrog View Post
Stop! Stop! you'll make me pee my pants.

You thought that was a news feed???/ Did you vote NDP? C'mon you can tell us.

It's one man's opinion and obviously several folks on this board think he may be onto something.

As far as Trump being a nuclear threat, did you here about the deal Obama made with the sworn enemies of the U.S.?
Don't pee your pants red, I know you are getting on in age, and probably don't remember that it was you who posted that link.

So I don't expect you to remember (from a few other threads) that I am certainly no NDP supporter - But this thread is about Trump not the NDP so stay with the program.

I'm not about to defend Obama either - so you can't bait me there either.

Do you have anything constructive to add or are you just bantering on aimlessly, without direction, and aggressively like Trump?

I don't like him. He doesn't think anything through and has no strategy. He's rude, self centered and probably only running for President to gratify his own ego.

I do appreciate some of his opinions, and I do appreciate the fact that he can't be bought by the lobbyists .... but the guys poor qualities FAR outweigh those two positives for me.

It's too bad can't we have a straight shooter republican candidate - and we are stuck with this circus act stealing the show for self gratification.

I predict he will hurt himself and the republican party by the time this story plays out. He won't be the next president ..... no way there are than many people who could stomach him for the next year or more.

He is helping Hillary right now ....... omg ......