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Old 07-23-2015, 09:34 PM
Syndre Syndre is offline
Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 16
Default Bison Draw Insights

Hi Everyone,
I've also been lucky enough to get a Bison in the draw and went through a few of the posts to see what information I can gleam about this whole thing. Personally I've never been that far north, nor have I ever had to try and extract such a huge animal from the middle of nowhere.

I'm more of a daytrip guy or at least like to have access to a nice spot where I can process my harvest into very manageable pieces, then finish processing it into what I want, or at least prepare it for processing (i.e. debone it) as much as I can for the next day.

I've noticed that everyone is asking what to take and where to stay, and those are awesome things to know, but I have slightly different questions that are currently weighing rather heavily on my mind and i hope that some of the more experienced hunters can assist me in this.

- Leaving from Calgary, how many days would you recommend for a trip up there? (if you could split it into travel and hunting, sweet, if not, how long was your longest trip?)

- How much "total cost" would you estimate it took to facilitate the excursion? (meaning fuel, food, accomodation, gear, processing, etc.)

- You've quartered/sectioned the Bison and loaded it up. Now what? I realize this sounds like a super silly question, but what I mean is; what do you do with it? With temps that low and the 1260km drive back, surely it would freeze? Or am i showing my inexperience with long trip hunting? Do you drop it off for processing in High Level or slog it all the way back and get it worked on here? It's been years since I've had to help butcher a cow (the moo kind), and I certainly do not have the gear to attempt that in my garage. Imagine the garbage can!

I guess what I'm trying to figure out here is what I'm getting myself into before I spend a crapton of money only to lose half of my harvest or worse, just all round contaminating everything. Plus I need to figure out if this is even logistically possible for me to accomplish.

Thank you all for your input!
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