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Old 07-29-2015, 05:02 PM
Wild&Free Wild&Free is offline
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Originally Posted by elkivory View Post
At the end of FY 2015 the gross US federal government debt is estimated to be $18.628 trillion, according to the FY16 Federal Budget.

Politicians took the USA there, not an astute business man like Trump. It will take a businessman with a big brain like Trump to rectify this incredibly stupid problem that career politicians like Bush and Obama got the USA into. If they get one more lying career politician idiot like Hillary in the office, say good bye to the middle class.

I do believe that the Americans are waking up to this fact and need a person with knowledge to "dig them out of the ditch" Obama quote (which Obama promised to do, but only increased the national dept.) and right the ship. Scary times in the US of A!
I wouldn't call Bush Jr. a career politician.

Also, how exactly is Trump going to fix the debt problem? Raise taxes? Mint trillion dollar platinum coins? cut defense spending?

The problem with the debt in the US has nothing to do with career politicians, it has more to do with the fact the monetary policy and financial systems are inherently designed to create an ever growing amount of debt and some people benefit greatly from this design. It's not the politicians who reap the lion share of that benefit either.

You see, the value of goods produced is always greater then the amount of currency made available(through wages, taxes, salaries, and dividends) from that production to consume it all within a single production cycle. There is a gap in available consumption capacity and value of produced goods. That gap is filled with credit back by future production cycles. That future production cycle will not make enough consumption capacity to balance itself out again and more credit is used to fill that gap. This is continuous, production cycle after production cycle, year after year. Eventually, probably not that far in the future an entire generation's production capacity that has yet to be born will be owed to the issuers of past credit.

Has Trump said anything to address this reality?
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