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Old 08-04-2015, 05:38 AM
elkivory elkivory is offline
Join Date: Jun 2015
Posts: 812
Default Newest Poll This Morning

Was watching Fox this AM, their latest Poll as follows, I only listed the top 10 because the rest don't really matter IMO:

Trump 26%
Bush 15%
Walker 7%
Cruz 6%
Huckabee 6%
Rubio 5%
Paul 5%
Christie 3%
Kasich 3%
Fiorina 2%

I can only imaging what the companies like Macey's, NBC, Univision and Serta are saying in the boardroom these days? Must go something like this: "Well people we just really teed off The Donald who may be our next President, ideas on how to spin ourselves out of this horrible mess, right now??? $500,000.00 Christmas bonus for the lady or gent that does!!!"

Just when everyone thought that Political Correctness was here to stay. Never thought it would last myself and I say Good Riddance to that milk toast social experiment. Will be great to get back to the good old days where you can call a spade a spade without fearing for your life and being stoned to death by the radical left wing establishment!

3 day to the debate!

Last edited by elkivory; 08-04-2015 at 05:55 AM.