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Old 08-06-2015, 03:36 PM
raab raab is offline
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Originally Posted by Redfrog View Post
First he beat the drum for the NDP in Alberta, then he changed his mind.

"Or maybe we could look at the reality of the situation and deduce that their palms are being greased along with several other high ups in the conservative party. If you look at the evidence and the crap the cons have pulled in the last tens years it's easy to see they're corrupt, it's just a matter of time until it comes out.

Also as for working for you I may not like it, but it wouldn't be worse then the railroad. Not a chance."

What evidence. I've asked you for specifics several times and nothing but wild accusations.

You hate your job, I get that, The work is too hard, I get that, not enough money, I get that. How did you ever find this dream job and how does Harper force you to show there every day?

Your credibility is stretched. You said your family has been here since 1700, but IIRC you posted here that you came here from the Phillipines.

IIRC you were also in the financial adviser business, with your own company..
Your recalling wrong about the Phillipines. You should look up how long the Steeves have been in Canada. I do own a business and was going to do financial advising as I invest in the stock market and do well. But the cost of registering is extravagant and I couldn't justify it at this time. I took this "dream" job because I've always loved trains, my grandfather was an engineer, and my dad repaired locomotives for awhile until they moved his job to a different province. They promised me a much better salary then what I'm making, they also didn't highlight the job conditions where you only get one 20 minute break during the day. I understood that I wouldn't get many days off. Which I was fine with if I was making a certain salary so my wife could stay home with the kids. I left a very good job to go to CP because I thought it would be a great career move and was something I always wanted to do. I now look at it as the worst career mistake I've ever made.
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