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Old 08-18-2015, 11:56 AM
silverdoctor silverdoctor is offline
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Originally Posted by omega50 View Post
"Idolizing our soldiers as heroes, a god like stature on par with Hercules, is as dangerous as proselytizing a suicide bomber as a martyr. Neither is a hero or a martyr, both are dead people played as pawns in a power mad game of chess of real life. "

Even the NDP should be able to figure out that the suicide bomber is dead.
But many soldiers survived and both living and dead should be celebrated as heroes based on their actions.

To lump them together is NOT taken out of context on any level.
It just further illustrates his views-rambling and non-sensical.

Not every side in a war is fighting for the same reason.
Some fight for Freedom and safety for future generations and some just kill for the opportunity of riches in the great beyond- Virgin action without equal.

This guy can't tell the difference
Interesting... William Astore, a retired Air Force Lt. Colonel has something to say about idolizing the military. It's an interesting piece - but, you probably won't read it as it's on the Huff.

I wonder what Chris Kyle would say about idolizing the military and it's soldiers if he were alive today. It appears Eddie Ray Routh, the man that killed him - idolized him.
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