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Old 08-25-2015, 02:16 PM
Sooner Sooner is offline
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Originally Posted by Exploits View Post
Well hopefully with the new gov't they will ban these things outright or make a fenced in area that has pits and mud and all the stupid stuff people do on these machines. The vast majority of owners just want to play in mud, so build a huge rec area with all that garbage and let them have at it. Why let them go out and destroy the west ? Some provinces have laws that limit their use to old logging roads and hard surfaces only. They need to increase fines so that the owners can't afford to keep these stupid, useless machines. OHV owners have no right to destroy any habitat, ever, period. IMO it's too late now anyway, most of the west has been chewed up beyond repair.

I think you wrong Imo. I say the majority are respectful and tread lightly. It's the you tube warriors that will wreck it for the rest of us who actually try to avoid damaging where we ride.
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