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Old 08-28-2015, 12:28 PM
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kujoseto kujoseto is offline
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Strathcona County
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Ever heard cattle walk? Notice all that cracking they make? That's what my can ankles sound like.
It's not just age. I've had that since I was in junior high. I was very active in athletics and it didn't go away until I was no longer active. Then I got injured (vehicle collision), did lots of physiotherapy, started activities again, and no cracking! Hmm... what changed? I was less tense from all the physio AND my exercises changed to target strengthening specific muscles. I now notice if I get an imbalance in my strength or if I have tightness, I can get cracking again in all sorts of places. You might be surprised what a back or neck can sound like. I think keeping fit and limber (whether workouts, yoga, stretching, or whatever) is key!
Good luck
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