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Old 08-29-2015, 08:47 PM
SNAPFisher SNAPFisher is offline
Join Date: May 2007
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Originally Posted by lannie View Post
Yes I own quite a few different parcels of land, houses and even some grazing leases. Have quads too. I also have Crowsnest river front land I spent the day on today and the only damage I see is from fly fisherman. Don't get me going on what filthy pigs some fly fisherman are with their garbage, empties etc and taking a crap where ever they feel fit. Do all Fly fishers do this? I don't think so and not every ATV rider wrecks the water.
I really do like to look at the over all picture and all contributing factors before pointing out the other users faults like a six year old. Thinking in terms of "we" is much more productive.
Do you own a parcel of land on a creek? I do, try that one out. See how many unwanted guests you have in that situation. See if you can keep fences up and grazing livestock. Guarantee you won't. See what you think about ATVs after that experience.

On the other hand, your comment on fly fishermen being pigs is true. Pigs are pigs. Now pigs on ATV can really do damage in no time that no litterbug can recreate. Not even in the same ballpark. Again, the old deflection by you. Productive is ending the quads negative effects on streams. Period. End of discussion. Thanks for coming out.

I just came from the Skeena where quaders are banned. You want to see something working. Go there.
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