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Old 09-10-2015, 08:43 AM
bobtodrick bobtodrick is offline
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Originally Posted by Jordan Smith View Post
There are a lot of guys on this thread who talk the talk, but VERY few who walk the walk. That is plainly obvious. You know the old saying "Better to stay silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt". The OP in particular. We've got guys repeatedly making Grade 3 math errors who obviously have about zero experience with either the gear or the expertise that comes from actually getting out and shooting at LR, and guys who confess zero interest or experience shooting past 500 yards, but speaking authoritatively about wind drift at 1000. Still others are claiming that you need a .300WM or .338LM to hit and kill at 1000. This thread is a hoot! All I can say is that most guys posting in this thread need to get off the couch and pop a few cases of primers at steel plates from 500-1000 yards before opining on the topic!

As great of some of our military snipers are, they are usually the first ones to admit that the competitive civilian community are generally better shots. Shooting is only one small part of being an excellent sniper.
Sorry gotta take you to task on the 'don't need a .300WM or .338 Lapua'.
Let's take a moose at 1000yds and a comparison of energy of some different rounds at 1000yds.
.308.....150gr at 1000m has 780fpe.
.300WM ....150gr at 1000m has 1150fpe
.45ACP....185gr at the muzzle has 616fpe

So at 1000yds the .308 doesn't have much more than the .45 at the muzzle.
Would you stand within 20' of a moose and shoot it with a .45ACP (you have to stand your ground if you don't kill it).
At 1000yds bigger is better.
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