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Old 09-10-2015, 11:25 AM
Tall Texan Tall Texan is offline
Join Date: Aug 2015
Posts: 140
Default Ethics of the hunt

The essence of this thread is weather or not long range shooting at animals is ethical. Ranges of 500 to 1500 yards are talked about. One of the main rationales people use to justify long range shooting is they believe that ethics are a personal judgement and therefore if they believe in it it's justified.

This is completely false. Ethics is the discipline of conforming to accepted, principled, and professional standards of conduct. Acting ethically is not just behaving in a manner you are comfortable with. There are far too many variables involved in long range shooting at wildlife to consistently provide humane kills, therefore it fails the test.

It is a type of hunting but by no standard is it ethical to do so.
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