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Old 11-15-2015, 08:18 PM
GFY GFY is offline
Join Date: Mar 2015
Posts: 144

Originally Posted by Cjj View Post
it is a TROPHY sheep tag. I have helped too many people haul out 4/5 lamb tipped "squeaker" rams that are anything but a trophy ram. If this is what it takes to bring that to an end, then so be it. And if some big broomed trophy rams that will never reach full curl live to breed and die by Mother Nature's hand instead of us sheep hunters, well that works for me too.
If you are someone looking for a legal ram then go to Wilmore. They get legal young there, but you will have to work for it. Not like K country where you hike an hour from the parking lot
To sum it up: full curl south of Brazzeau makes sense to me
funny how you say that as the brazzeau south is the part that is what you talk about where a huge part will never make full curl. For your K country comment I can tell you have never hunted it as there is lots that is a lot harder than you suggest. Not everybody drives up and down the highway hoping for a miracle. I think people need to figure out sheep are not like other animals. That is why most think there is none left .
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