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Old 04-13-2009, 04:26 PM
WalleyeDeitz WalleyeDeitz is offline
Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 179

I have a question?????? Is a 1/4 fish still more fish than 0 fish? Just wondering because I do not see any pictures of the zero fish you guys caught though the ¼ is still a very nice photo.
Other than that, I agree with all the above comments, it was a wicked weekend with great weather. Kinda fun to see a 40 year old life time smoker give chase to a $150 hunting blind. After about a minute of running and very slowly gaining on it as it rolled down the ice in the wind, I was waiting for him to give up but he did not. One last lunge and a 5 minute rest and he was back in the game. Funny stuff.

Had a great time and even though the fishing was slow, the scenery more than made up for it. Had a lovely sunburn on the face...except of course where my sunglasses were but the chicks dig that look I am told.

Take care all and good luck out there. If things go well this week I might hit Spray one last time and see if I can catch my last fishes mother.

Oh yeah, forgot I learned something this trip. When the ice is as deep as the auger, be careful when you punch through or the auger will take a drink.

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