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Old 01-01-2016, 07:09 PM
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Hilgy Hilgy is offline
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Originally Posted by EZM View Post
I'm not an expert - but I don't mind sharing what works for me .....

Using a camera is (was) the key for me to landing way more fish ....

I use 2 rods/2 holes (side by side) inside the tent and switch which one I'm working depending on the behavior/mood of the fish.

Predatory fish (Walleye and Pike) are attracted to noise ..... so when there is nothing in sight, and there is a lull in the action, I use a large rattlin rap and pound the bottom of the lake and jerk that thing like crazy. I do this for 20-30 seconds then I just wait and see if anything is coming in for a look - after the violent action I just gently pulse the rattlin rap and wait a minute of two then repeat.

My other line is typically rigged up with a small rap, rattlin' flyer, or jig head - something any species will take and eat including bigger perch.

That usually brings them in for a closer look.

Walleye love when a lure falls - it triggers action - not always a strike - but they will react to it almost always as an instinct. Slow up and quick flutter drop if they start moving away.

If they are still spooking - downsize !!!

Here's the key to getting them to strike - if they have seen the lure and still don't seem interested - I let my smaller lure drop and gently bounce along the bottom stirring up silt or mud. The further away the fish is the more violently I pound the silt - as they get closer I slow and soften the presentation to avoid spooking them.

They eventually seem to grab the bouncing jig/rap off the bottom but WAIT until you feel the take - a pike USUALLY misses the first time. They seem to have poor close range depth perception when looking down.

Just keep bouncing it and he will take another stab at it right away - if he sees the lure getting jerked up to fast it will spook him.
Thanks for the info I appreciate it. I'll pick up a couple of the raps and give them a try.
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