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Old 01-04-2016, 07:25 PM
7mmremmag 7mmremmag is offline
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Lloydminster
Posts: 1,539
Default Song Dog Success

Ill start by saying im no story writer by any stretch of the imagination but I want to improve lol
I promised myself last year I was going to put a lot more time into predator management. Especially in areas I deer hunt after getting trail cam pics with 4 coyotes in 1 picture. I felt like I should do my part.
I spent the summer looking for a good load for my 243win. In the past ive always just shot whatever I used on deer. The 95gr BT's worked great, but definitely werent fur friendly. After some reading online I settled on the 58gr V-Max. I started with Varget and found a load that would work just fine.

With the state of the current Alberta oil patch I knew id have lots of time this winter to call some coyotes. So with my 243 and Primos Turbo Dogg in tow I headed out to an area I bait bears on a grazing lease.

I found an area that looked like it had a decent amount of coyote tracks around. (Its so hard to tell up in NE AB right now due to the fact we have had very little snow over the past month and its very fluffy. Hard to tell old from fresh)
1st set I slipped into the side of a large slough and tucked into a willow bush. Set up the bipod and caller.

After 2 quick challenge howls I switched over to cotton tail distress and immediately seen a dog on a dead run from the other side of the slough coming straight at me. When she got to about 300yds I shut the caller off and waited. She made it to 60yds before I could get a clear shot, I didnt even have time to stop her. And obviously pulled the shot a bit high. Sorry for the graphic pic. Nice little female down.

Second set found me about 3 miles from the last one overlooking another big slough. The wind was swirling quite bad. 2-3 minutes into calling I had a coyote bark back at the challenge howl directly behind me. Well the wind shifted and was blowing right in my face. Never did see the coyote. (Huge mistake on my part taking wind direction for granted and did not have an open shot down wind of myself) Oh well you live and learn. Thats hunting!

3rd set was much the same as the 1st. Set up on a smaller slough, tucked into a thicket on the edge that was absolutely covered in rabbit and coyote tracks.

I started with challenge howls again. As soon as I switched to cottontail distress this nice male popped up at 180yds. One quick shot from the Savage and the rest is history.

Frontal shot with no exit.

I had to be back in town for 4pm to pick up my daughter at daycare so I decided to hit up the inlaws farm just north of town for my last set.
I set up in a field about 300yds north of one of my deer stands.

I have seen lots of coyotes in this field and have had a ton on camera in the bush to the south. I had called this exact spot 3-4 times in the last 2yrs with zero success. So I didnt have much for expectations for this set.
After getting set up and chasing a doe and two fawns out of the small bluff I wanted to sit in I hit the call. Two quick challenge howls again, waited 5 minutes and hit the cottontail distress. This very small female popped out at 150yds on a dead run straight a me (Down wind, just like the other 2) She hit about 80yds and slammed the brakes on (I now know she stopped because she could see the front end of my truck 400yds down the treeline in the field to the west
She turned broad side and stopped. One 58gr V-Max behind the shoulder and she never knew what hit her.

I must say I am very impressed with the 58gr V-Max bullets. Especially at 3800fps. I was quite concerned how fur friendly they would be. The frontal shot on the second coyote never did exit and the broadside shot at 80yds on the small female left about a pencil sized hole on the off side. The first coyote well, thats my fault. I definitely wasnt trying for a head shot.
All in all it was a fun day, and my most successful to date, 75% success on stand. All in 5hrs with a 40 minute drive each way.
I have set a goal of 20 coyotes for myself this year. 3 down, 17 to go
I wanna say thanks to Hugenuge, your coyote video thread is the reason I decided to take so many pics and make this thread. (My GoPro rifle/bow mount will be here in a week)
I try and be as polite as possible and encouraging to others posting on AO, with that said I was very apprehensive as to whether I would start this thread or not. So please show me that there is still some good members out there who can support a guy in what/how he chooses to hunt.
Thanks, 7mm

Last edited by 7mmremmag; 01-04-2016 at 07:35 PM. Reason: Spelling/Grammer
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