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Old 01-04-2016, 11:50 PM
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catnthehat catnthehat is offline
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Originally Posted by waterninja View Post
CAT!!!! WHY, WHY, WHY? Of course what you say makes sense, and of course it seems more ethical then not trying to find it with a dog, BUT...... You are breaking the law!!. Even worse you are knowingly breaking the law. I got the feeling that Densa did not know that tracking that deer was against the law. I don't think he would do it now that he does know. My idea is to try and change this law, not break it. If everybody broke the law whenever they thought it would be ok to do so, then whats the point of having any? I can see now why I'm meeting such resistance in suggesting changes in our regs.
Cat, I have always respected your view on things but this time I have to disagree with you ( though I understand where your coming from, the law can be an ass.)
Why? Simple- for the and reason. I have shot wounded animals hit by vehicles in February, and bears in town limits and a park that were endangering human lives
Because at the time even though it was illegal it was the right thing To do.
There is a limit to which even I will obey the law, but if I am charged , I will stand up and take the big like a man in court , explain why and plead guilty.
However That does not mean I am going to automatically track a deer down for every Tom Dick and Harry that make a lousy shot because they see someone with a fog that they think will track a gut shot deer for them
Anytime I figure I've got this long range thing figured out, I just strap into the sling and irons and remind myself that I don't!
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