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Old 01-05-2016, 12:07 PM
waterninja waterninja is offline
Join Date: Aug 2011
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You know guys, insults aside, those pics do show a huge flaw in my argument. When I posted the reg change suggestion I did so because in BC the one antler, or one side was explained as being much better because a lot of times you only see one side and if that side is legal then the harvest would be legal. I can see how funny that looks/sounds when you show those animals with big horns on only one side but I'm sure the regs take those kind of situations into account.
When you are searching for a bull moose that must be 3 points or larger and are told that it only has to have one antler that size to be legal, where in AB both sides have to 3 points, you see a difference immediatly. Same thing when your told that if one antler is below a certain length it is Antlerless.
Makes me wonder if I either misunderstood the BC reg, or need to study the reg further. I'm looking at pg. 42 of the AB reg book, and while it seems to be saying that 1 deer antler over 4" makes it Antlered, I see nothing to indicate what constitutes a legal Antlered moose.
Beginning to wonder if perhaps I had it wrong about this reg. Definetly something not adding up here.