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Old 01-15-2016, 02:59 PM
amosfella amosfella is offline
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Originally Posted by ^v^Tinda wolf^v^ View Post
Hello everyone !

I'm a new member here and enjoy reading all the great information and fun things people are up to.

This subject made me become a member of the forum because more people need to stand up on this troubling issue that involves all firearm owners.

I have had my pal for a while now and was under the assumption that when the RCMP issue a person a licence to own firearms that they trust you to use them in a safe and lawful manor.

What this all boils down to is trust and from everything I've encountered and learned there is absolutely no trust on the RCMP behalf and last night was a prime example of no trust to me and I will explain what I mean shortly.

It is quite evident that Alberta is going through some tough times in which theft and crime are going up and everyone is getting concerned especially the RCMP and for a good reason. I myself am also quite concerned about having my firearms stolen and I've gone as far as putting off my families short holidays that we enjoy going on so I don't worry about my firearms.

My friends safes are plumb full so I'm left with little option but to leave them in my very secure gun safe that can be opened easily with the proper equipment. I think it would be nice to have a public place that deals strictly in firearms storage that was affordable for the average person who wants to take off for a while.

Anyways, to me this possible gun grab boils down to the government and RCMP not doing their due diligence in the screening processes and if any changes that should be made this is the only one I see to be fair and feasible.

During the election the liberal party of Canada was constantly talking about fear and division and I think it will be rather interesting to see how they respond to the RCMP request to ban semi autos because this is fear and division at it's very best.

As a responsible firearms owner I go above and beyond my legal obligation in reguards to proper storage and transportation of my firearms. That means when I transport the guns are trigger locked and my ammo is in a locked container and out of view even if someone has a peek in my window.

Last night I went to a friends in the country to do some target practice. On my way back into the city I decided to stop at my lucky gas station to check some old lotto tickets and of coarse I didn't win. I pulled in right in front so i could clearly see my vehicle becuase i had a rifle with me and went as far to avoid a purchase so i could get back out to my truck quikly. Upon leaving the building a truck was parked next to mine so closely I almost couldn't get in.

The passenger of this vehicle rolled his window down and said don't worry I called the driver an ***hole for you, I laughed and squeezed into my truck. The two gentleman in this unmarked vehicle were RCMP officers and I know that because I pay attention to the local news in my community.

As I drove away I was thinking to my self, what just happened here ? I know both of these people are RCMP. I honestly think they figured I was going to knock off this gas station! and parked that close to deter an escape. This type of situation really concerned me and I actually felt like criminal for a moment and I didn't even do anything.

I do tend to make some noise at the range but that is normal for discharging arms. So I guess what I'm getting at here is if the RCMP are concerned about little old me a law biding firearms owner, there are greater issues at play here and they don't even trust the people they issue licences to.

I own a couple semi autos and have no reason to put up a fuss if they want to take them so long as I get reasonable compensation for them. I don't like it but would have no option and if it comes to that the liberal party of Canada are being hypocrites by their own theories on fear and division.

It is the government and RCMP that need to handle how they legislate firearms better and to me that is not taking them away from people like me or us.

What to do ? It's quite the conundrum.
2 things. some gun ranges offer storage.

Don't mistake someone simply being an a**hole or lack of driving skill for planning...
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