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Old 01-20-2016, 07:54 AM
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Jamie Black R/T Jamie Black R/T is offline
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Originally Posted by Astrocyte View Post
How far should one stay away from a pressure ridge like that? I have never gone fishing with one nearby or one around to be concerned about. So I really am curious.

We cut across the bay at Ross Haven from Yellowstone and fish the drop off just west of the point at Ross Haven. I am the one more concerned about stuff like pressure ridges and ice thickness, even if there is no imminent danger. Maybe I will say we need to stick around Yellowstone instead rather than travelling across that bay and thus a bit closer to the ridge.
Its been there a while and is most likely froze back up in most spots. Id keep at least 50 yards away from it with a truck and definitely do not cross it.

Even though someone will take a truck over it if they havent already.
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