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Old 03-05-2016, 06:59 PM
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Shekka Shekka is offline
Join Date: Nov 2015
Posts: 166
Default Yellowhead county lakes.

Went for a fishing tour today, the day started at 6am and the first stop was at Minnow lake. Only one bite while we were there (). Ice was 15-17" thick.

Got bored there and moved on to Shinning bank lake. Not a single bite there () for us. Ice was 17-19" depending which side of the boat launch we were on.

Got bored again.. (The buddy I was with and I tend to move around a lot if we don't get any bites within in a little bit), and decided to go over to Bear lake.

Caught several perch there, sadly none worth keeping. But atleast we got on the fish!! Ice was 17" thick where we were setup.

End of the day, it was a nice tour, seen some country and finally got a few fish to keep us occupied.

See what next week brings!
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