Thread: Line for sale
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Old 03-15-2016, 04:32 PM
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uke hunter uke hunter is offline
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Location: Fort McMurray, Alberta
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Originally Posted by The Spruce View Post
Wildwood is NE of Edmonton in the Chip Lake area.

A line is worth the cabin (s) equipment it comes with...that's it (in the crown's eyes). For us, cabin (s), equipment, maybe a few years worth of fur. The price of lines will come down, with mandatory trapping to be required in the not to distant future, the "googin" trappers will lose their lines. When this comes to fruition, the market will be flooded with lines, as most are just camping spots right now, or not used at all. IMO.

So this line for instance, cabin + sled + gear....25k being VERY generous. that leaves 50K on the table.

Believe me when I say this, ESRD wants the high prices gone, this leads to disposable income weekend users getting lines and the real trappers being left out.


Unfortunately the idea of mandatory trapping requirements and minimum fur quotas has been talked about for years and will be for years to come. If they were to implement such requirements think of how many first nations owned lines would be taken back by the government due to lack of trapping. There are numerous first nations owned lines around mine that haven't been trapped for years and are handed down from generation to generation. Do you honestly think the government would take traplines away from first nations who don't trap them? Not in my lifetime! In fact, any transfer of these lines must go through the band looking after the area. Can't take them away from one group of trappers and not the other! This is a can of worms the government will never open! IMHO anyway.....

BTW...I applaud those first nations trappers who actually trap their RFMA's and continue with their traditional heritage. I have learnt a lot from talking with them over the years. Amazing amount of knowledge held by the trappers and their elders regarding the land!

Last edited by uke hunter; 03-15-2016 at 04:39 PM.
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