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Old 05-30-2016, 06:42 PM
SNAPFisher SNAPFisher is offline
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Originally Posted by Mercoal View Post
As my handle suggests, I have a small original coal branch cabin at Mercoal and know the are well. Have known it well since the 1960s. I can assure you that the changes and damages to the environment has come from industry and roads for timber harvesting, not from Quads or Anglers. I fished the Pembina Falls by Honda Trike via cut lines decades ago. Fishing was always awesome. West Fraser Timber has clear cut so many sections of land there.....and I mean clear cut. You can see for miles. The roads, unlike Falls Creek Road near a Rocky, are open and not closed to OHVs. The logging roads around Mercoal - many are windier and more narrow than the Falls Creek Road....but no matter, one can see for miles due to lack of trees ! Mars landscape looks better. The silting and destruction to our environment is shocking. Yet some on this board like to focus on OHVs and the bit of dirt stirred up by crossing a stream ! really? How about every spring melt that changes the course of the McLeod River every year? Creates new log jams and removes old ones? New fishing spots? No - it is the silt and other destruction. falls creek road is closed to also prevent folks from seeing the destruction and loss of habitat, in my opinion. What about all the free ranging cattle up on Falls Creek Road ? Look at a satellite map and see the size of the clear cuts in the Coal Branch area. Also near the South Ram River. Let's get together and save the habitat from profiteering foresty companies, it isn't the average OHV user or angler. I have seen the changes over the years owning my small cabin at Mercoal. It isn't the anglers or OHV riders.
Not sure who you are referring to in your post. If it is me you are wrong. The area I live it is the OHV users that are the problem. They have a choice to ride elsewhere but prefer to break the law. As far as I can tell it is because it is a convenient location. Ran into 2 quaders yesterday speeding down the public road at just about 100 km/hr. I jumped in my car and followed them to a private oil lease where one of them was about to tear down a no trespassing sign. So what do they do, jump on their quads and burn across one farmers field just seeded. Then the corner of another and finally a 3rd field just planted. Going easily 80 km/hr or more. You could see the dirt flying behind them. All private land. All regular people just trying to farm and live in peace. Gutless scum come to mind when I think of them. They are not a minority either.
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