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Old 06-13-2016, 01:09 PM
HyperMOA HyperMOA is offline
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Originally Posted by silverdoctor View Post
Terrorism is a made up word. this was a hate crime as all are. Terrorist sounds alot better than a crackpot with a cause.

Remember Timothy McVeigh? Knoxville Unitarian Church? kkk? Aryan brotherhood? Shooting of abortion doctors? The list goes on and on and on...

There has been more christian so called "terrorism" on US soil that anything... Oh but wait, domestics aren't classified as terrorists I guess.
I remember early in the day of 9/11 before anyone really knew who was responsible for the attacks. Many news providers were urging people not to assume that it was an Islamic or Muslim attack as they had been recently attacked by a "homegrown terrorist Timothy McVeigh."

So even in 2000 or (was that 2001?) people considered Timothy McVeigh a terrorist. Truth be told 9/11 was when the "war on terror" began and popularized, but it was not "made up" that day.

EDIT: Just for the record, I know what you are inferring, and I kind of agree with you. What some individuals do and don't consider terrorism is to say the least, unsettling, but I disagree with your idea that it is a recent addition to our vocabulary. I would say the term "hate-crime" is a much more recent addition to our lingo than terrorism.

Last edited by HyperMOA; 06-13-2016 at 01:19 PM.