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Old 06-13-2016, 01:58 PM
HyperMOA HyperMOA is online now
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Originally Posted by silverdoctor View Post
9/11. The day a team of 19 hijackers - 15 of which were from Saudi Arabia, a major US ally and part of the 28 pages removed from the official story of that day - and all controlled by a man hiding out in a remote cave in Afghanistan. The very day that the US decided to write itself a blank check to do what they wanted world wide - spawning a war with Afganistan, Iraq and how many others? How many governments have been toppled by the last 2 administrations?

People expect me to live in fear...? To be terrorized by all this. I don't get that. I could get in the car today and be killed in an accident. Sure I can be blown up or shot in a public place by a fool with a cause, dead is dead, don't know when it's coming - and don't know how I'm going out. A friend died in a car accident last year - he had terminal cancer and really believed the disease would kill him.

There is nothing more dangerous than a fool with a cause...
What happened or didn't happen on 9/11 is a moot point. I was pointing out that the media called Timothy McVeigh a terrorist before you believe the word "terrorism" was created. You believe that the word "terrorism" was created as a result of 9/11; it wasn't.

I don't live in fear, and I don't expect you to either.

Your last sentence is bang on.