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Old 06-30-2016, 08:12 AM
Kurt505 Kurt505 is offline
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Originally Posted by SKSniper View Post
It's actually a little bit maddening to see how ignorant our fellow fishermen can be. I don't go there anymore but I always filled my backpack up with pickerel rig packages, beer cans, food wrappers etc.
Sturgeon do pass through regularly though so if you don't mind a bit of trash it's a decent spot for sure.
Yup, it amazes me how people always have the ability to pack their trash there but rely on someone else to clean up after themselves. Laziness, ignorance, no respect, that's all it boils down to. It's not just how they act at the fishing hole, it's how they were brought up and how they live their day to day life..... Low life.
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