Thread: Changes for all
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Old 07-16-2016, 04:11 PM
martinnordegg martinnordegg is offline
Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 1,271

So far as the non conditional relinquishment, that has always been the case. Never in my life time was a line ever guarneteed to be passed on or handed over to family or a junior trapper.

I've done three transfers in the last 25 years. The first two had a condition of relinquishment that a certain party was to be approved as Senior or the transfer was void. The last one (October) had to be unconditional.

It has always been up to the individual SRD officer. Even a sales agreement is never guranteed and never has been.

It has been until the last one. Then the process went to the CO, Public Lands and the Biologist. Sales agreement has nothing to do with the approval and AEP want nothing to do with any asset agreement whatsoever.

It has also always been that if you did not trap your line you could loose it.
The reason that has not been enforced is because too few real trappers wanted to trap remote lines, because we know the cost and the return do not even equal out most of the time.

I agree, if you don't trap the line it should be considered vacant as per the definition in the documents. In our area I have never seen more trappers out actually trapping their lines. Hopefully this will be enforced where it fits.

So a few newcomers want to take over those untrapped lines and they have complained enough to bring about these changes.

So called newcomers didn't come up with the verbiage in the referenced documents.

You asked for it folks, live with it.

Asked for what???

Actually, I think that #1 it will make little differance to either side, and #2 even if it brings about possitive change, it will be for naught.

I've seen lines stripped of timber, pretty much rendering them worthless for trapping for years to come, I've seen lines turned itno farm land, I've seen what the increased traffic allowed by oilfield development does to trapping.

I see no reason to believe this trend will end or even deminish. In fact I see it increasing, as will tighter controls and reduced seasons.

You want to argue about cabins. Why? What's the point?

Whose arguing? Generalizing with non fact is not making a realistic point.

I've lived in cabins built during the hay days of trapping and I've seen plenty of the new generation cabins. I know what I saw and I know cabins are not the issue.

The issue is, too many these days want everything to be easy and comfortable.

Fact is, there is a price for everything. People who spend a lot building a cabin will want to be repaid for their investment. And that has lead to where we are now. That is the price.

You're saying lines should be discounted to lose the price put into improvements?

You all would laugh at my cabin. Dirt floor, Poly windows, a home made table and chairs. Gas light, water pail plumbing and a log outside for a bathroom.
I didn't sell my line hundreds of thousands of dollars, the improvements weren't worth much. And that is old school and it works

I also didn't sell my line to an outfitter, although several made offers and some for many times more then what I sold it for.
And just for those who like to start fights, I sold it for the cost of building materials only, to a long time friend, and trapping mentor.

All Outfitters are not Demons LOL. Glad you got your money out of your improvements.

I did not claim the costs of opening trails or making bridges or any of the myriad other things people these days want to get paid for.
If I were at liberty to disclose what I sold it for most of you would have a field day telling me what a fool I was. But you know what, it's my head that I sleep in, not yours. I comfortable with the deal I made and the reasons I made it.

I don't think anyone would think you are a fool obviously you were happy with the deal you made. Perfect!!

And that is the biggest difference between the way trapping used to be and what it has become. Trappers used to care about their neighbors, instead of caring about what their neighbors were doing.[/QUOTE]

Trappers still do care about their neighbors, the wildlife they deal with and how their line is managed. I feel sorry for you that you are so jaded toward present day trappers, many of which are also your vintage. With that please try to have a great day.
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