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Old 06-01-2009, 01:49 PM
slingshotz slingshotz is offline
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Originally Posted by Sundancefisher View Post
genetics problems and disease problems.
I fully understand that you don't want to introduce problems into an existing body of water. But at the same time with the money they use to build fish stocking couldn't they allocate some to net a lake like Sundance of the perch, put them in quarantine and make sure they are healthy then use them to stock places where appropriate. The bonus of them is that they reproduce easy enough so as long as there's good predators in there, you don't have to waste money to stock non-breeding trout in places year after year.

Places like Pine Coulee could probably use a more balanced ecosystem, walleye, burbot, pike AND perch. I know there's tons of hurdles but someone had to overcome those same hurdles in order to dam up a valley, convert it to a reservoir, stock it with thousands of 'non-native to that body of water' fish and then determine the rules for that new body of water.

Sadly, my feeling is that F&W just doesn't have the resources to investigate many options. I wish they got better funding from our "poor" government....
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