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Old 06-02-2009, 08:38 AM
Neil Waugh Neil Waugh is offline
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 635
Default The Buffs are Back!!!

Just got my draw booklet and I see the Zama buffalo hunt is back this year.
Although Ted Morton kinda let the cat out of the bag at the AFGA convention in February when he joked about putting in for a tag with his MLA buddy Len (Heritage Hunting and Fishing Act) Mitzel.
It's still being called "special" license and a "management strategy" rather than admitting what it should be a -"sustainable" hunt.
It's unclear how many tags there will be and it's just plain dumb to hold the hunt in the middle of winter again.
Still it's a start.
Now if SRD would get it's head out of it's assets, acknowledge the popularity of the hunt and begin a program to transfer more Elk Island woodies to other suitable oil patch habitat (Swan Hills, Fox Creek, Martin Hills, etc. etc.) we would have another highly desirable big game animal to pursue.
Will wild boars be next?
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