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Old 08-22-2016, 09:58 AM
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Red Bullets Red Bullets is offline
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Originally Posted by Freddy View Post
History is un real. Back in the day. Up to 30 million buffalo roamed the prairies. Great plains went 200 miles in the the nwt. Ft mac 200 years ago was Prairie. Settlers going up to the peace country could not find fire wood in 1906 around Fox creek. Great plains grizzly. Thought to be extinct where around 3000 pds with some weighing up to 4500 pds.
Biggest buffalo cull in na happened west of water valley up grease creek water shed. All shot by americans. Over 10,000 shot in a week period.
Most of this taken from a book called the natural history of Alberta.

Imagine a great plains grizzly that huge ?
Glad you mentioned this. was going to say that I read a fellows story recently and he walked from just north of lesser Slave lake to Peace River area 150 years ago. He mentioned there were no trees.

When the buffalo were here there were few trees south of the north saskatchewan. The buffalo and forest fires kept trees from growing.
This country was started by voyagers whose young lives were swept away by the currents of the rivers for ten cents a day... just for the vanity of the European's beaver hats. ~ Red Bullets
It is when you walk alone in nature that you discover your strengths and weaknesses. ~ Red Bullets
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