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Old 08-25-2016, 11:29 AM
thedonald thedonald is offline
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 48

The video entering roosterland is where I fish. And the video GT ice cream tackle tips shows my favorite lures. I just used the skinny and it was not as good as what my guide had which was a roberts ranger. He outfished me every day but one by 2 to 1, when the water flattened out then I outfished him 2-1. I noticed this year the water was rougher so his wider lure worked better in those conditions as the video describes. I will order both for next time. My guide would also wade into the water to cast where as I like to stay dry so he was getting another 10 yds on his casts and maximum distance was generally the rule. However his equipment is just trashed because of the salt water so there is always a trade off. I also had on a 5' needle fish for about 5 seconds, what a wild thing that is, it's like catching a big snake in the water. But they also have a long mouth full of sharp teeth that will cut up your leader so you need to constantly check your line and knots or you suffer many break offs. It is physically exhausting fishing and pain killers are required to make it thru the day. But I would head back in a heartbeat.
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