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Old 09-06-2016, 01:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Okotokian View Post
RED "highly visible" laminate.... Our Rangers lose a lot of rifles?? Can't see a brown rifle when they put them down in the snow? What army wants highly visible rifles? wait a minute... they wear red hoodies? It's a fashion statement. Cripes.... So they are what we are basing our sovereignty claims on?

Army surplus enfields did them for 50 years. Now they need $4800 bolt action rifles for bear defense and hunting. Not one of those is ever going to be fired at a Russian. Army specifies anything, add millions to the price. I swear, if they decided to just give them bear spray the price would be $1200 per can.

-Grumpy old man.
Why wouldn't they have conspicuous rifles it makes perfect sense. Also they want to carry a good rifle and a 1000 dollar tikka is that. We don't need a helicopter style procurement with all kinds of contingency and spare part scenario and what happens in 30 years and all that. Likes it's some kind of continuing animal like a sea king
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