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Old 09-15-2016, 09:07 PM
Norwest Alta Norwest Alta is offline
Join Date: Jun 2016
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Originally Posted by Adrenaline101 View Post
Reading over this thread is slightly encouraging and yet discouraging to a "newish to alberta hunting" person such as myself. I am bad at hunting for elk and deer but I sure hope to improve over time and find my own "area" I can become familiar with.
It is daunting to start out around here, people everywhere, 8/10ths of the accessible land is owned by somebody. In the Yukon growing up it was simply walk into bush in any said direction, call moose, shoot moose, go home. ( not quite but you get the point) .
Go to the hills. Lots of elk there. Start on the spring lake Rd and head north. Spend the night in spirit river. Next morning come back south over hilltop. Stop for lunch in Valhalla. Head north up the 92 road, connect up with the spring lake and come back south to hythe for happy hour. Get really drunk and fight with the locals from horse lake. Wake up sore and repeat.

In all truthfulness the elk are were you find them. I'm not trying to discourage you but trying to make light of the fabled saddle hills. Probably the best thing to do is find a spot in the middle of the fray and sit there and wait. Sooner or later the elk will stumble across you or pushed to you. Best of luck this season.
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