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Old 09-22-2016, 10:20 PM
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cschache cschache is offline
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 504

Going to trailer it to the lake and then pull it with my truck the 2 km to the lake and on the lake(set of truck chains if needed), my friends pulls his with a pickup also, his does not have Teflon runners on the pipe skid but it still pulls fine, with the Teflon runner on mine it will pull easily, I welded a hitch that can fasten to the skid when I pull it so I have more control when pulling it so it doesn't slam into the back of the truck or if it needs a little tug then I can also hook up a tow strap if needed, as far as fastening the Teflon to the skid I pre drilled and counter sunk tapered type stove bolts with locking washers so that the head of the bolt was just beneath the Teflon so it wouldn't catch on the ice. depending on the weight of your single axle trailer I would think that a side by side should pull it with Teflon runners but If your going to use a quad I think it may be too heavy. I pulled another friends 8x10 shack with my quad with chains on all four tires and it was a chore to keep momentum. as far as fastening skis underneath the tires I don't know if you really need to do that, I have seen lots of converted trailers to ice huts that they just pull out with the wheels and park it, drop pails with the bottoms cut out of them through the trailer floor and start fishing, if you are set on putting skis under the tires I guess you could build the skis to use ratchet straps over the tires to secure them (I don't know how secure the skis would be) or fab the ski so that you can take a couple of rim nuts off and fasten the ski that way. try google and look at all kinds of different pics to give you some ideas that will work for you, you could also look at how the different snow planes mount their skis. Good Luck!
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